jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015
English Challenges
Hello! Today I speak about english class of this year. This semestre, I enjoy the class, because I feel that different class in relation with other semestres. The class was more funny, besides the topics was more interesting and functionals, because in other country I think is very important know how ask for the automatic teller machine, for example. In addition I think is more interactive the use of the blog because in it, relating about own life is more friendly bring the write in english.
For other side, I think that I need improve in my english, because even have left more for progress, but I feel that this semestre I have learn one little more. I think that learn vocabulary is more important because across this the people can comunicate with other persons.
Ah! in relation with video, in the moment I want dead, but in the process of recording, I understand that not was really really terrible, until I enjoy. This type thing I think is more interactive and more functional for learn and understand english.
The best class of english in this semestre have relation with the teacher, because she are more friendly and have more patiente, every time that i have all incorrect, she have the patiente for correct me all.
The last, in relation with the use of english in other side, this semestre, I have one friend exchange program and english (my basic english) was more important in the comunication. Addition, I view series in the computer, and in occasion it has not subtitle, but i can see and learn.
Well, in conclution was a great curse of English, and I hope the final test not be more hard jaja
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015
Post 8: Summer Plans
Hi! today I will tell you about my summer vacations.
Well, I haven’t totally planned this, but I know I am going to Torres del Paine with two of my friends: Camila, my best friend since I was a little kid, and Javiera, a good friend of the university. I met Javiera in the school, but we became friends at the university.
Our plan is to go to Austral highway in the south of Chile, visiting towns, learn of this, and their traditions and enjoying the sun, nature and the company of my friends. They are very funny!
After We will go to Torres del Paine, in this place we want to walk for seven days into the park, we want to walk across in the park in "o" circuit. This circuit is hard, because It is in ascent.
I’m very excited about the idea because I have been reading a lot and inside Torres del Paine, the park has microclimates for this It has a very peculiar flora and peculiar fauna. I want to learn about this and see a lot animals, beautiful animals. I have big expectations about visiting the Park Torres del Paine, because a lot people talk about the wonderful landscape, and wonderful place.
I hope this tripl during three weeks but before I think of going to the beach with my family I could enjoy the sun, and the time. I miss the free time, because in the university I never have time.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015
Post 7: My Best Friend
My best friend is Camila, Camilu or "chanchi" for me. I met my friend when I changed school, in 7° grade, she was a classmate. We have been friends since we were 12 years old. In the beginning we were not friends but in one presentation we sat next to each other, we spoke and we laughed a lot. I remember, this day my friend had plait in her hair, since that moment we have been friends.
Camila is my best friend because we understand each other, and this is very complicated, she is a great person. She is very sweet and affectionate. She is a great counselor, and we have supported each other in different moments of our lives. We are great partners. we are lucky now, because she studies in the UMCE and is nearby.
In addition Camila is very funny, and you couldn't laugh with her.
Remember the vacations together, we went with her family to the south. First we went to Horcones, it is a little town near Concepción city, this town is near the sea, I remember, we rode on bicycle. Before we went to further south to Pucon, we were very happy!, we skied on the Villarrica volcano. drove in the carting, and we met the boys, bought beer in secret, it was a teenager attitude but ir was very funny in this moment.
We also cooked delicious cake, and in general ate a lot and very tasty.
I really love my friend I know we are always going to be together.
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015
Post 6: How Green are you?
Hello!, I learn to friendly with the environment in the school and in my house. In my school the people, are very concient. We had the different box to trash can, where classificate the rubbish. The plastics, glass, cardboard, and organics products was separate, the tin to bots was pass to poor persons of the street, they, before sell.
Also, in my house I separate the box to cardboard, glass and bots, for recycle, I think is very important have a conscience to the environment because, the word is a very pollution, in the modernity all contaminate, for this I thinks is very important provide even if it were the small acts.
I use the public transport, and I think to all would are this, because a lot card only contribute to more contamination. However, the public transport is most bad. The authorities would make something.
In one opportunity I will think unit to Greenpeace, but I haven't time to it.
I will like make more for the planet!, but I think, sadly, to I contribute to pollution, because I work to packaging and I use much plastic bag. However, greater and greater people carry their own ecologic bag.
I think to the society need more conscience, because always throw trash in the street or dirty waiting to other clean.
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015
Post 5: My Future Job
I think in my dream job frequently, but this is different of my future job, because is more more utopic, although one day, i work in this. Well in my future i will like work first in the publics politics, because this, always have for the objective change the social life, shape the society and if the people cannot participle in the decision, the other people always choose for your interest, dirty politics.
For all this, I think to the anthropologist can protect the people, since of the own discourse of the people affected. I think to the mediations is the space where the public persons, would act well, more if is force to the own community.
However, I would like to much work travel for the world, can to ethnography different cultures, know and learn of the different place, the clime, the tradition, and yours different relationship, between the nature, and between the people. I like very much could to decode your structure.
I like very much learn in general, and I know is very egoist, because I would like only to know more, but also like help the people, in yours problems or in the maintenance of your tradition if this they want.
I wouldn't like job in the office, but a lot people now working this, is more frequently.
I like very much the anthropology, I think is a beauty social science, and I would like develop this discipline, but after of the change of the word I would like enjoy of this.
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015
Post 4: Election Day
I will not vote in the next presidential elections, because I think to the vote is validate a system how I think no operate good. Vote from me is election the option less bad, because is not representative. Moreover, I think the game of politics is more dirty. I think to the candidates always look out for your interest and no to the common well.
Respect of the electoral campaigns I think is poor quality waste money in advertising and not in objects to the real necessary to the poor people. Moreover is a bother visual pollution.
I think to most the one person, have to the locals assembly because the people can to governors to yourself. Moreover one person with power all is corrupted to the own interest or interest to the party.
Finally I think to the all being politics, because all in parts are capable to organize and coexist with other of the well form possible. I think all decision are the politics decisions.
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015
Post 3: A day to remember
Later we went to launch to the costumbrist fair, I ate delicious turnover to cheese with prawn, and I drink Torobayo beer. In this place had gone bands to cueca in live, people dancing, and much people eating.
We were very happy, pass a great moment, we were laugh much. After of the launch we went to Mancera island, beautiful place, in the boat we were take a photography, was very funny because my sister was saw very assuming. The island had a beach too, the water was very cold, but I took the sun.
When we return, we pass to brewery Kunstmann, we was drink diferents beer to end the day, later return at the house of my uncle. Was a spectacular day!.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015
Post 2: The Best Concert I've ever seen
The best concert I've concert see was the
Calle 13 in November 2014, I was a Frontera fest, it is a festival
where play a lot bands or singles to Latin america, between the
Calle 13. Frontera fest was in Club Hipico, is a big place, It had three
scenario playing at the same time!. In the night conclude to Calle 13, I love
the band and I married with René, the single, because is pretty, your
voice is fabulous, in addition is from Puerto Rico and He has
all Latin taste.
I like very much the band because the music is funnier,
and the letters says much of the some problems in the America.
I went with my sister and remember we were very
happy and excited. In the other opportunity we view the bans, we
were littler. But the years past was a fantastic! I enjoy very much and I sang
much and more strong because I was very happy.
However, I suffocated with the lot people
and I have to go in back of the multitude. But I was very good in the same form.

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015
Post 1: A country I would like to visit
I love travelling!, a country I would like visit is India, because I think it is a interesting place. Give my attention, because India has a rich culture and more people develop different rites.
I like participate to the rits very much. Moreover India has a distinct variables of the buddhist ideology, and It is more interesting. In the television I watch the program where travel for the India and I be impressed.
Also, India has more cows, (I love cows) because there are sacred. A friend says to me, the cows everywhere, in the street, next to card!. I think It is a beautiful and iconic place. Though also, I would like to visit the monuments and old temples more famous such as: Taj Mahal they are impressive, with a beauty architecture.
However, India has more poor people. I would like to visit to know it, and I would like to live there, to learn of the cultures and help, If I can, the people.
I like participate to the rits very much. Moreover India has a distinct variables of the buddhist ideology, and It is more interesting. In the television I watch the program where travel for the India and I be impressed.
Also, India has more cows, (I love cows) because there are sacred. A friend says to me, the cows everywhere, in the street, next to card!. I think It is a beautiful and iconic place. Though also, I would like to visit the monuments and old temples more famous such as: Taj Mahal they are impressive, with a beauty architecture.
However, India has more poor people. I would like to visit to know it, and I would like to live there, to learn of the cultures and help, If I can, the people.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015
Hello, my name is Claudia Reyes Coll, I am from Santiago of Chile. I study Social Antrhopology, it is my third year in the career.
My weakness in English is principally for the pronunciation, it is really, really bad, for this it is embarassing for my speaking English. I think I had bad basic knowledge in the school and this affected me.
However, my strengths are I can speak with foreigner and I think (and I hope) they understand me. And I think understand the words they say.
My expectations in English class is to progress in the pronunciation and learn more vocabulary, to have the best form of expressing. Also to be able to understand more the text, series, movies, etc.
Thanks for your visit
Good Bye :)
lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015
My experience
with the blog was very entertaining. Although sometimes I didn't actualized it
every week, was fun getting better and writing more and more. It also gives the
space to tell about other issues, perspectives of the study field and interest
or personal matters.
It also gives
space to meet more people who write using this way. There are a lot! I did not
know much because I do not usually visit these kind of pages. But it is very
interesting indeed!
I felt I
progressed greatly, and had the space to overcome the shame that makes me
writing in English, because still it's hard to me to express myself using it.
The activity I
liked most was when we were on tour to London, look for prices, see exhibitions
and organize activities. I think it was a very entertaining and dynamic activity.
Finally, I think
the experience of the blog was very entertaining. It is a very dynamic way to
learn and progress, and I wish that could be applied to more courses. Finally I
want to say that I really enjoyed sharing through this medium with my teammates,
basically because it gave me the space to share with colleagues from other
careers and know a little more of their perspectives and ideas.
Harry Potter
Hello! Today I
will tell you my experience with Harry Potter. It is one of my favorite sagas
of literature.
I started
watching the movies when I was little, probably first grade, and continued with
devotion. I saw them all on the cinema, and was very sad (but also exciting) to
see the last. I already had read the book, so I could know what would happen,
but the fact that it was the last movie ever to come out really provide me with
a before and after. I would not have to wait another year to the next, really
it was over.
I remember when
I started reading. I had like twelve years old, and loved how HP recreate a
fantastical world, and at the same time also had so profound stories and
meanings. Although I had had an approchement to HP world with the movies, when
I started reading the books I loved them also. I fell in love with the
characters and suffered with them their losses. Their bad experiences filled me
with sadness.
My favorite book
was the fifth, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". I think
it's the most distressing of the saga, and despite being the largest in number
of pages, I finish it much faster than the others. Always keep me expectant,
although the ending full me of sadness.
But undoubtedly
the most moving part was when Snape killed and gave his memories to Harry. It
was at that moment that Harry realized that he always was wanted and protected
by him.
Fine Pets
Hello, Today I will talk about my beautiful pets. I have thre. First a turtle, his name is Aureliano and came the 2000 into my life. it's a land tortoise and although some people may think he's boring, , I that know him can say that's not true. He has personality and is very affectionate, in his own way of course. Also I have a dog and his name is José Arcadio. He is a beautiful and playful dog, which I have more than half of my life, 12 years old actually, and I can say that when he came to the world he could get fit in a hand. For me, it's the best dog in the world and the most affectionate. He had become fat and good for sleeping by these days. He sleeps with me and sometimes fills the bed but that's no matter to , I love it anyway. The last pet entered to my family is Ramón, a cat, and it is unpleasant most of the times, but very loveley when he wants to. The worst come in the mornings, when I should get up and he get inside the bed with me and hugs me, so I can not go anywhere .
My beautiful pets are very deared and happy with me (hopefully).
"Very Interesting"
Hello, I will tell some of the magazine "Muy interesante". Although it is not a website, his articles are also publicated by this way. They are address many issues, which honor his name "very interesting".
Topics treat science, history, health, technology, among many more. Address topics of the universe as a whole, without leaving anthropological and archaeological studies aside of course. There are several articles of strange fossils of ancient animals, even the relatives to Lucy, the most famous australopithecus of our family tree. Through these meetings and studies, plus the speculation of “How have they lived?”, one can imagine and reach new knowledge and interesting deductions.
Anthropology, in its various fields, is a very interesting social science and useful to humanity, and through it we can learn more about our society, past societies and different cultures that grow around the world. But after all, It is a very academic science indeed, and what I like so much from this magazine, is that makes anthropology understandable to more people and uses this beloved social science to tell "very interesting" facts, on less dense way and more pleasant.
Love Calle 13
Calle 13 is a
group of very entertaining music, perhaps one of my favorites. I like it
because their songs are about different topics, from social and political
issues, even crazy things like love.
I know that many
people think after some time, they opted for developing mass media music.
Nevertheless, they just really like me!
I can saw them
last year, live and direct, on Frontera Fest. It was wonderful! I love René,
the singer. I love his voice and he is very handsome and attractive too.
Definetely a great man.
I also went, a
few years ago, to his concert in Movistar Arena. I believe it was the second
time they came to Chile, and it was amazing being so close to the stage, but
there were so many people, and I get pushed a lot, being a bit uncomfortable to
I do not know
which is the song I like most. I think change by times and depends on the
context I live. Anyway, I remember that "Latin America" made me so
much sense when I left "backpacking" to Peru-.Bolivia. It's a nice
But also remind
me of my summer vacation. With my friend sang songs and was very entertaining.
I hope to hear
them on live again, and anxious to listen new songs.
With my sister
This photograph is from August last year, when I was traveling with my sister to Buzios, Brazil. It was a great week of relax. We went to the beach in the morning, after breakfast, because the sun came out early and hide at 5 p.m. so we had to take advantage of the day. We had lunch on the beach and drank caipirinha, came back to take naps and then we came back out. Had a great time, take plenty of sunshine and we tan a lot ( especially me because i'm brunette), and also I felt asleep a couple of times on the beach.
Although it was winter, it was very hot and the sun burned a lot. In the night was very nice to go out with summer clothes and enjoy the pleasant temperature.
I enjoyed the trip with my sister, met very friendly people and beautiful places. I hope someday to repeat those beautiful and relaxing holidays.
miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015
I think of the discrimination for aspects superficial, etnic or ideologic or any reason that escape the election of a person is bad. Because practice the tolerance is very important in our society.
But the discrimination is always present in society, i think is for the same image producing for the media produced stereotypes and if any person does not conform to them is discriminated.
Because the prejuice to others for any motives is incorrect, the colour of skin or form of dress, not defined if person is good or not. the actions of each person are the define.
I never feel the bad discrimination but i think maybe. when i traveled, the summer last, In Bolivia, the merchant people always tried to charge me more that the real price. Nevertheless i enjoyment the travel, and in the others aspects the people were very friendly.
But the discrimination is always present in society, i think is for the same image producing for the media produced stereotypes and if any person does not conform to them is discriminated.
Because the prejuice to others for any motives is incorrect, the colour of skin or form of dress, not defined if person is good or not. the actions of each person are the define.
I never feel the bad discrimination but i think maybe. when i traveled, the summer last, In Bolivia, the merchant people always tried to charge me more that the real price. Nevertheless i enjoyment the travel, and in the others aspects the people were very friendly.
miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015
My favorite technology object
My cellphone is my favorite object, in this i can realize differents activity. I use my cellphone for the call a my friends. Addition use different applications how whatsapp, with it i can communicate with friend, family, and possible friends; Angry bird for the play as a long as travel since my house at the university or since university at my house. Also i use it to for check my mail, surfing for the internet, review at my friends for facebook or instagram. My phone has thousands utilities, and more of one time it saved me, with indications of street or for know in how many minutes come the bus. with it i made a long travel, where i take a lot pictures.
Two weeks ago, i lost my cellphone in the high party, i want dead. The boy find added me at facebook, and so regain my cellphone. And i promise never more lost it!
miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015
Expectations for the first semester 2015
This year i have many projects. This semester is my first semester in mention of social anthropology, is very interesting because i choose all my subjects. This is the best, because for two years i was in basic cycle and i had subjects more general and more boring.
This semester i hope have excellent ratings, because i want go to the exchange next years, i hope go to the university of Sao Paulo in 2016. Also hope can to develop other activity, for this i need organization very strict, because i expert in lost time. I hope have the good qualification, can assist the gym, learn portuguese and go out with friends. I really hope have the excellent semester, in the academical and also personal, because i think it's very important enjoy the life.
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015
Hi, my name is Claudia Reyes Coll, i have 20 years. I study anthropology. I'm in third year of social anthropology, i like very much this career. Its object of study is the culture is very interesting. I live in Santiago of Chile, with my mom and my sister, i have the dog, his name is Jose Arcadio, he has lived with me a long time, he has eleven years old, i love so much.
I like travel because i love meet new cultures and new people addition there many beautiful place and funny. Also i like out with friends, go to the party or drink coffee and eat cookies, depending of the situation.
In occasion i like see series and movies, the last serial i saw called "Desperate wife houses" it was very funny but also dramatic in occasions.
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