The best concert I've concert see was the
Calle 13 in November 2014, I was a Frontera fest, it is a festival
where play a lot bands or singles to Latin america, between the
Calle 13. Frontera fest was in Club Hipico, is a big place, It had three
scenario playing at the same time!. In the night conclude to Calle 13, I love
the band and I married with René, the single, because is pretty, your
voice is fabulous, in addition is from Puerto Rico and He has
all Latin taste.
I like very much the band because the music is funnier,
and the letters says much of the some problems in the America.
I went with my sister and remember we were very
happy and excited. In the other opportunity we view the bans, we
were littler. But the years past was a fantastic! I enjoy very much and I sang
much and more strong because I was very happy.
However, I suffocated with the lot people
and I have to go in back of the multitude. But I was very good in the same form.